How to realize full-page jump like href by react-router

how react-router 4 implements full-page jump like href

at present, the page jump I can achieve is like a single-page application, is there any way to click on the link to display a component"s page just like opening a new page?

currently using react-router Jump, the navigation bar will remain unchanged while the content components are changing. I want to implement navigation and remove the content of the display components that are completely a new page, okay?


you mean the relationship between the home page and the details of the article?
if so, of course. Just change your component layout and move your new page component to the same level as the component of the page where the navigation is located. Here is the pseudo code:

                // APP
                    <Route exact path="/main" component={NavBarPage}/>
                    <Route path="/detail" component={NoNavBarPage}/>
                // NavBarPage
                    <Route exact path="/main/index" component={IndexPage}/>
                    <Route path="/main/mine" component={MinePage}/>