The effects method of dva in model is not executed

when the effects, of model calls call to request backend data, when the backend data is not returned for a long time, other pages calling methods in effects will not be executed

Code to reproduce the issue: (Please provide reproducible code or steps)
= service=

export async function generatePayCode (params) {

return request("api/pay/getGeneratePayCode", {
    method: "GET",
    body: params,

= Model=

export default {
namespace: "qrcode",
state: {showPanel:false},
effects: {

* generatePayCode({payload}, {call, put}) {
      let {data} = yield call(generatePayCode, {bcId});
 * showPanel({payload}, {call, put}) {
        yield put({
                    type: "saveShowPanel",
                    payload: {showPanel: true}

= call order =
1.dispatch ({type: "qrcode/generatePayCode"})
when the backend does not return for a long time, other buttons on the page call dispatch ({type: "qrcode/showPanel"}), and the page status will not be updated
