Problems about Sub-routing in angular4 + ionic3

recently started using ionic3

I"m a little confused about routing

"/home" /goods

because the"/ home" "relationship will still be at the top of / goods-detail, now I want to take out the goods-detail alone
http://localhost:8100/-sharp/goods-detail so that using the html of / home will not affect the change of the page. I don"t know if there is any good way to ask for advice


this situation usually dynamically determines whether the home template is displayed or not according to the route change. The route still maintains a hierarchical relationship, but hides home

under a route ( goods-detail ) without considering the hierarchy of the browser address bar if you use ionic 3 . It implements a set of NaviController suitable for mobile development, which is very easy to use by simply push (Page) and pop () .

how your routing is successful, my hint
Unhandled Promise rejection: Object (.) Is not a function; Zone: < root >; Task: Promise.then; Value: TypeError: Object (.) Is not a function
