It will take a while for kafka to consume the data.

Why do you use the kafka client script written by python to produce data as soon as the program runs, but it takes a while to consume the data (there is data in the topic). (both pykafka and confluentKafka are the same)

there is only a very small probability that the data can be consumed immediately, and most of them have to wait a few minutes, which affects the efficiency of the test.

  • A consumer object given to confluentKafka encapsulated by itself

  • topic


not for a few minutes. Can you post the code at the bottom of the answer, pay attention to the setting of the parameter in conf.

when you instantiate the consumer object, you add these two parameters, session_timeout_ms=6000,heartbeat_interval_ms=2000

consumer = KafkaConsumer(self.kafkatopic, group_id = self.groupid,
                                      bootstrap_servers = '{kafka_host}:{kafka_port}'.format(

there is an explanation of parameters on the official website" rel=" nofollow noreferrer "> https://kafka-python.readthed.
is mainly this sentence:" If no heartbeats are received by the broker before the expiration of this session timeout, then the broker will remove this consumer from the group and initiate a rebalance. "
in addition, the default value of the local session_timeout_ms is 30s, not the 10s mentioned in the official website!

excuse me, have you solved your problem? When I consume kafka data, I traverse the messages and there is no response. Can you help me out?

Hello, have you solved your problem? I have the same problem as you. I changed the parameters but did not solve
