How does WeChat Mini Programs stop the drop-down refresh globally instead of disabling it?

  onPullDownRefresh() {
    setTimeout(() => {
    }, 600);

the above code is the page initialization after the drop-down refresh. Because the drop-down cannot be stopped automatically on the real machine, it must be stopped manually by calling wx.stopPullDownRefresh (), but now the global pull-down "enablePullDownRefresh" is opened: after true, each page has a drop-down refresh function, and there are many pages, so you can"t add wx.stopPullDownRefresh () to every page, is it? Is there a better solution?


in fact, I think this is a problem at the page design level. Mini Program, which I developed, has about 4-5 pages, but there are only two wxml, one is dedicated to lists, the other is "other functions", this "other features", such as videos, articles, and the introduction of external web pages, I have written them into components, one at a time, and the user experience also feels that one is a page. But they are all locked in this "other functions" page, so that the unified effect of this type of page is integrated, without having to write each page separately, which avoids your problems. I don't know if I made myself clear.
