Can 4000 input of react page not stutter?

the project wants to put excel into the system, but it is estimated that there are nearly 4000 input input boxes on a page. For those less than 200 before, onBlur is used to update the data. The value of input is not bound with state. It can keep the naked eye without stutter when the input is less than 300, but it exceeds 4000. I really can"t imagine that react can input input without stutter with the naked eye. Have you ever encountered a similar scenario, or is there any solution


add: input is placed in table, and it is not easy to split it at present, because where it is not input, the data in input is used for calculation


your scene belongs to too many tags on the page. The browser can not render the page.
you need to control the number of input rendered on the page. If you exceed the content on the screen, you can choose not to render. Use placeholders instead of off-screen content.
this scene and the list of products

give you a try. 4000 stutters are not stuttered. What do you mean by stutter?

I haven't met, but I have an idea. Maybe you can give it a try. Is to use shouldComponentUpdata.. Make the div of each input into a widget. Each team determines if it needs to be updated.

I really haven't tried. I'll try it another day. No, no, no. The subject can also have a try. no, no, no.

make it paginated, but I don't know if it will conflict with your design
