Problems of Object.defineProperty in typescript

the above code will report an error in ts

"{ enumerable: true; configurable: true; set: Function; get(): any; }" "PropertyDescriptor & ThisType<any>" 
  "{ enumerable: true; configurable: true; set: Function; get(): any; }" "PropertyDescriptor" 
      "Function" "(v: any) => void" 
        "Function" "(v: any): void" 

ask God to tell me how to solve the problem.


I do not report errors here, for example, the following code

function fn() {
function a() {

Object.defineProperty({}, "test", {
  enumerable: true,
  configurable: true,
  set: a || fn,
  get() {
    return 5;

if the value on set is not a function, an error will be reported.
you can release this.option.set and noop to see his type
