Always prompt the signature error when doing the signature shared by Wechat

problem description

using Wechat"s signature verification tool, the results are consistent. Baidu has some of the same problems. Many of them say that the URL sent from the front end needs to be decode, but our URL is that the front end only needs to pass a path over, and then I splice it up and send it back to him, so this kind of problem should not occur

related codes

/ / Please paste the code text below (do not replace the code with pictures)

static function GetSign($path)
    $appid = env("WECHAT_APPID");
    $secret = env("WECHAT_SECRET");
    $url = self::SIGN_URL . $path;
    $accessToken = Cache::remember("accessToken", 120, function () use ($appid, $secret) {
        $accessTokenUrl = "$appid&secret=$secret";
        $accessTokenJson = self::Curl($accessTokenUrl);
        return $accessTokenJson["access_token"];
    $jsapiTicket = Cache::remember("jsapiTicket", 120, function () use ($appid, $secret, $accessToken) {
        $ticketUrl = "$accessToken&type=jsapi";
        $jsapiTicketObj = self::Curl($ticketUrl);
        return $jsapiTicketObj["ticket"];

    $noncestr = str_random(16);
    $time = time();
    $jsapiTicketNew = "jsapi_ticket=$jsapiTicket&noncestr=$noncestr&timestamp=$time&url=$url";
    $signature = sha1($jsapiTicketNew);
    $data = [
        "appid" => $appid,
        "timestamp" => $time,
        "nonceStr" => $noncestr,
        "signature" => $signature,
        "jsapiTicket" => $jsapiTicket,
        "url" => $url,
        "jsApiList" => [
    return $data;


generally speaking, the problem should be that the url of the signature is incorrect. Let's compare it carefully first


Let the front end pass the complete address directly!

you need to make sure that the final url used is consistent with the value of window.location.href in the front end


the url that generates the signature should be consistent with the url of the current page
