If you have any questions about Api development, please dispel them.

whether you can use throw new to throw a http exception when developing api;
then it feels very simple. For example, if the user does not log in, the exception will be thrown directly, and the subsequent code will not be executed.

customize a http exception to take over the exception handling of the framework! The frame is tp5

or is it better to use the traditional return array to call the next level?

 * Created by PhpStorm.
 * User: Administrator
 * Date: 2018/1/14/014
 * Time: 2:56

namespace app\tool\exception;

use app\tool\Tool;
use Exception;
use think\exception\Handle;
use think\Request;
use think\Log;

class ExceptionHandler extends Handle
    private $status;  //HTTP
    private $msg;   //
    private $data;  //
    private $code;

    public function render(Exception $e)
        if ($e instanceof Base) {
            $this->status = $e->status;     //
            $this->msg = $e->msg;       //
            $this->data = $e->data;   //
            $this->code = $e->code;   //
        } else {
            if (\think\facade\Config::get("app_debug")) {
                return parent::render($e);
            } else {
                $this->status = 500;
                $this->msg = "";
                $this->data = "";
        $response["status"] = $this->status;
        $response["msg"] = $this->msg;
        $response["data"] = $this->data;
        return json($response, $this->code);

    private function recordErrorLog(Exception $e)
            "type" => "File",
            "path" => LOG_PATH,
            "level" => ["error"],

        Log::record($e->getMessage(), "error");
 * Created by PhpStorm.
 * User: Administrator
 * Date: 2018/1/14/014
 * Time: 2:47

namespace app\tool\exception;

use think\Exception;

class Base extends Exception
    public $status = 0;   //HTTP
    public $msg = "";    //
    public $data = [];      //
    public $code = 200;

     * @desc  
     * BaseException constructor.
     * @param array $params
     * @throws Exception
    public function __construct($params = [])
            throw new Exception("");

            $this->status = $params["status"];

        // msg 
            $this->msg = $params["msg"];

        // error_code 
            $this->data = $params["data"];

            $this->code = $params["code"];


namespace app\tool\exception;

class Http extends Base
    public $status = 0;
    public $data = [];
    public $msg = "!";
    public $code = 200;
public static function getUid()
        $token = Request::header("token");
        if (null === $token) {
            throw new Http(["status" => "-2", "msg" => "!"]);
        $result = Cache::get($token);
        if (false === $result) {
            throw new Http(["status" => "-1", "msg" => ",!"]);
        return $result["id"];

send points, throw an exception, and if there are only status and msg , it is recommended to directly use the built-in attributes code and message of Exception , and then return

throw a custom exception

when the interface entry catch . You can return ah

cannot directly throw an exception. You need to return information that can be identified by the client, including http code, error codes and error messages, otherwise you will be refreshed, and the client will not be able to judge the error.

API throws custom exception handling and returns the json of http200 to the front end

API throws custom exception handling and returns json returned by httpcode 2000.It 's OK to xml as long as the front end can handle it.

just throw a custom exception.
exception capture determines that if it is a custom exception, it returns {"errmsg": custom exception message, "errcode": exception code}

if the custom exception is not caught, it proves that the program has made an error. At this point, you need to return a server busy to the outside, and then log
