I'd like to know if there is any space for this kind of tab.

$(".desc-btn").click(function(e) {
  $(".info-btn, .note-btn").removeClass("productview_tab_active").addClass("productview_tab_inactive");
$(".info-btn").click(function(e) {
  $(".desc-btn, .note-btn").removeClass("productview_tab_active").addClass("productview_tab_inactive");
$(".note-btn").click(function(e) {
  $(".desc-btn, .info-btn").removeClass("productview_tab_active").addClass("productview_tab_inactive");

this is the
that I wrote, but I found that it seems to be possible to change it again. But I have no idea that
wants to ask the great god on the line.

Huan Chong
sure enough, thank you to all the great gods, it"s amazing


something like this, use $(this) . Modify by yourself

$('.btn').click(function(e) {

of course, post your html source code

    $('.tab-btn').each(function(index) {
        $(this).data('index', index);
    $('.tab-btn').click(function() {
        var index = $(this).data('index');
        $('.tab-content:eq(' + index +')').show('fast').siblings().hide('fast');