React-router-dom routing configuration

problem description

how to configure the route for the React project and keep reporting to: TypeError: Cannot read property "location" of undefined,?

the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried

found the document, all in the form of < Route path= "/ about" component= {About} / >, but I wrote it under
Baidu in a router folder. I only saw that one person was talking about the problem of the react-router version, saying that it would be fine to change the configuration in the package.json: "react-router": "^ 3.0.0" to 3.x. But I used the version of "react-router-dom": "^ 4.3.1"
and then Baidu looked for the react routing configuration file. I thought the writing of the gods was a little complicated, so I wanted to write a simple one first.

related codes

const routes = [{
    path: "/invite",
    component: () => import("../views/Invite/Invite")

const router = (props) => (
    <Router forceRefresh={!supportsHistory}>
          <Route exact path="/" render={() => <Redirect to="/invite"/>} />
          {{ path, component }, index) => (
  export default router

what result do you expect? What is the error message actually seen?

error message:


not long after learning React, it is the first time to do React routing. Please help me to see what"s wrong. Thank you.


import ...

const routes=[...]

const RouteApp = () =>
            <Route path="/" .../>
            {{ path, component }, index) => (

export default RouteApp

your route is not configured with history

1. Routing files

import React,{Component} from 'react';
import { Route,Switch, HashRouter } from 'react-router-dom';

import Home from '../page/Home/home';
import User from '../page/User/user';
import NotFound from '../component/NotFound/NotFound';

class RouterMap extends Component {
    constructor(props, context){
        super(props, context);
        return (
                    <Route path='/Home' component={Home}/>
                    <Route path='/User' component={User}/>
                    <Route path='*' component={NotFound}/>

export default RouterMap

2. Use
entry file

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import '../src/media/css/index.css';
import registerServiceWorker from './registerServiceWorker';
import RouterMap  from './router/RouterMap';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';

ReactDOM.render(<RouterMap />, document.getElementById('root'));

I have just learned

<Route path="/page2"  render={ props => <Page2 {...props} /> }/>