problem description
online found a section of canvas ball collision code, the code is great, but there is a problem is that when two small balls are crossed at the beginning, their trajectories are the same, supposed to be random, I don"t know why they run together?
related codes
window.onload = function () {
var canvas = document.getElementById("ball");
var cxt = canvas.getContext("2d");
var r = 20;
var maxNum = 5;
var ballArray = new Array();
var maxX = canvas.width;
var maxY = canvas.height;
for (var n = 0; n < maxNum; nPP) {
var x = {
x: getRandomNumber(r, maxX - r),
y: getRandomNumber(r, maxY - r),
r: r,
vX: getRandomNumber(0.5, 1),
vY: getRandomNumber(0.5, 1),
color: getRandomColor(),
function getRandomColor() {
return (function (m, s, c) {
return (c ? arguments.callee(m, s, c - 1) : "-sharp") +
s[m.floor(m.random() * 16)]
})(Math, "0123456789abcdef", 5)
function draw() {
cxt.fillStyle = "-sharp000";
cxt.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
for (i in ballArray) {
var x = i;
ballArray[i].x += ballArray[i].vX /2;
ballArray[i].y += ballArray[i].vY/2;
if (ballArray[i].x >= maxX - r) {
ballArray[i].x = maxX - r;
ballArray[i].vX = -ballArray[i].vX;
if (ballArray[i].x <= r) {
ballArray[i].x = r;
ballArray[i].vX = -ballArray[i].vX;
if (ballArray[i].y >= maxY - r) {
ballArray[i].y = maxY - r;
ballArray[i].vY = -ballArray[i].vY;
if (ballArray[i].y <= r) {
ballArray[i].y = r;
ballArray[i].vY = -ballArray[i].vY;
for (var j = 0; j < maxNum; jPP)
if (j !== x) {
if (Math.round(Math.pow(ballArray[x].x - ballArray[j].x, 2) +
Math.pow(ballArray[x].y - ballArray[j].y, 2)) <=
Math.round(Math.pow(r + r, 2))) {
var tempX = ballArray[x].vX;
var tempY = ballArray[x].vY;
ballArray[x].vX = ballArray[j].vX;
ballArray[j].vX = tempX;
ballArray[x].vY = ballArray[j].vY;
ballArray[j].vY = tempY;
cxt.fillStyle = ballArray[i].color;
cxt.arc(ballArray[i].x, ballArray[i].y, ballArray[i].r, 0, Math.PI * 2, true);
setTimeout(function () {
}, 10);
function getRandomNumber(min, max) {
return (min + Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)))
what result do you expect? What is the error message actually seen?
the trajectories are supposed to be random and independent of each other.