Determine if there is a specific subcomponent in the react component

determine whether there is a specific subcomponent in the react component

recently, I am writing a component, but I need to know whether this component contains specific subcomponents. One of the ways we have found is to use the way of the component to judge. I would like to ask if there is a better way to judge


related codes

    class Layout extends Component {
        static propTypes = {
            accordion: PropTypes.bool,
        static defaultProps = {
            accordion: false,
        // Sider
        judeSider = () => {
            let hasSider = false
            React.Children.forEach(this.props.children, (child) => {
                if ( === "Sider") { //
                    hasSider = true
            return hasSider
        render() {
            const hasSider = this.judeSider()
            return <div className={hasSider ? styles.layoutHasSider : styles.layout}>{this.props.children}</div>
    class Sider extends Component {
    static propTypes = {
        collapsible: PropTypes.bool,
        collapsed: PropTypes.bool,
        width: PropTypes.string
    static defaultProps = {
        collapsible: false,
        collapsed: false,
        width: "200px"
    render() {
        const { className, children, style, width, collapsible, collapsed, ...others } = this.props
        const cls = classNames(className, styles.sider, {
            [styles.collapsible]: collapsible,
            [styles.collapsed]: collapsed
        const realStyle = collapsed ? {, width:"0px"} : {, width: width}
        return <div

if any of the seniors know, please let me know, thank you very much!


child.type = Sider

is ReactElementInstance.type = ReactComponent , and the type attribute of the React element is the corresponding React component.


string may be duplicated, but class will not
