The swoole creation process executes the task and reports a "segment error" for a period of time after running it.

[2018-09-11 13:30:47 @ 5519.0] TRACE sw_coro_close: coro_close coro id 20210
[2018-09-11 13:30:47 @ 5519.0] TRACE sw_coro_close (: 420): close coro and 0 remained. Usage size: 2341752. Malloc size: 4194304
[2018-09-11 13:30:47 @ 5519.0] TRACE ~ Context (: 38): free stack: ptr=0x2f07340
[2018-09-11 13:30:47 @ 5519.0] DEBUG swConnection_recv (: 190): recv 8180 br > [2018-09-11 13:30:47 @ 5519.0] DEBUG swConnection_recv (: 190): recv 8180 bytes, Errno=3
[2018-09-11 13:30:47 @ 5519.0] DEBUG swConnection_recv (: 190): recv 8180 bytes, errno=3
[2018-09-11 13:30:47 @ 5519.0] DEBUG swConnection_recv (: 190): recv 8180 br > [2018-09-11 13:30:47 @ 5519.0] DEBUG swConnection_recv (: 190): recv 8180 bytes, Errno=3
[2018-09-11 13:30:47 @ 5519.0] DEBUG swConnection_recv (: 190): recv 8180 bytes, errno=3
[2018-09-11 13:30:47 @ 5519.0] DEBUG swConnection_recv (: 190): recv 8180 br > [2018-09-11 13:30:47 @ 5519.0] DEBUG swConnection_recv (: 190): recv 8180 bytes, Errno=3
[2018-09-11 13:30:47 @ 5519.0] DEBUG swConnection_recv (: 190): recv 8180 bytes, errno=3
paragraph error

swoole is version 4.1.2
php is 7.1.7

Program function:
receives a task through swoole_client, then creates a process to run the task, and then shuts down the process.


segment error problem, please try upgrading the version of swoole .
