su - root -s $SHELLPATH
root users will report an error when executing, and permission denied
pops up.but use
directlysource $SHELLPATH
can be executed
what is the reason for this?
Thank you.
su - root -s $SHELLPATH
root users will report an error when executing, and permission denied
pops up.but use
directlysource $SHELLPATH
can be executed
what is the reason for this?
Thank you.
running the script directly requires the file to have execute
permission for the current user. The source
command is not required, and source only needs read permission.
you can use
chmod +x
to set execution permissions
the existing format is as follows: Mon Mar 26 17:43:17 2018 this format is required: 2018-02-21 00:00:00 is there any way to convert it? ...
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the problem I have now is that, for example, I compiled and packaged a file in centos An and sent it to centos B. what I have done at present is through the scp command to add the of An in B ssh and rename it to authorized_keys,. Now the rem...
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for example: restrict user A to run nginx (or other services) only on specific ports (such as 8080) ...
I wanted to use PHP to execute Linux sed to insert a document, but php currently doesn t have permission to execute shell commands. excuse me, how to implement this requirement with php code? ...
for example grep 20180906834424 test.log | awk {print $2} the above code will produce a result. How can I use this result as a parameter of grep to re-search the test.log file? grep 20180906834424 test.log | awk {print $2} | xargs grep PATT...
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because you have switched to the user on the other side of the server, is there any good solution? Thank you. ...
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