Find the way of thinking, how to use jQuery to realize the switching between list multi-modes

want to design an effect that can switch between text list, picture list, detailed list and so on. I saw similar video tutorials on the Internet before, but now I can"t find them.

I use simple .click () click events addClass () and .removeClass () to delete or add classes. Two styles can barely be implemented, while three styles are stupid. I feel too repetitive and impractical!

related codes

/ / Please paste the code text below (do not replace the code with pictures)
$("- sharpFolder") .click (function () {

       $("-sharpwin-vod-list .list-video-thumb").removeClass("mdui-float-left");
       $("-sharpwin-vod-list .text-normal").removeClass("mdui-float-left");
       $("-sharpwin-vod-list .list-video-info").hide()};    


$("- sharpdetailed") .click (function () {
if (! $("- sharpwin-vod-list"). HasClass ("mdui-row-xs-1")) {

       $("-sharpwin-vod-list .list-video-thumb").addClass("mdui-float-left");
       $("-sharpwin-vod-list .text-normal").addClass("mdui-float-left");
       $("-sharpwin-vod-list .list-video-info").show()}; 


$("- sharppic_thumb") .click (function () {


there is no more logical way?


The styles of

two states are more suitable for classes. For the most common examples, such as show / hide, a .hide class is generally sufficient. For more than two states, it is recommended that you use custom attributes, such as


var tabs=$("-sharptabs");
var content=$("-sharpcontent");