Problems in the use of react and redux

suppose the state in redux looks like this:

state = {

A component is an input,input whose value corresponds to the value in state.
B component is a list,list content that needs to be obtained based on the value value request API, such as
as shown in the figure:

when the value of An is updated, the list is retrieved and component B is rendered. The normal logic is as follows:
change event sends an asynchronous action request for a new list = > Update list in redux state = > component B rendering

The problem with

now is that you cannot add code to the A component change event for some special reason. Can you listen for value changes and update list? from the row in component B?
if you get and update list, in componentWillMount , it will only be executed once when the B component is initialized, but not again when the value changes.
if you add a method to get and update list in componentWillReceiveProps , because it is asynchronous, it will result in circular requests and rendering.

ask for help!


seems to have found a solution, if there is a better way, please correct!

static getDerivedStateFromProps(nextProps) {
    const { value } = nextProps;
    //  null 
    return null;

so, after initialization, the component will get list , and value will also update list

when it changes.