How to delay a few seconds to jump to another page after express routes to a new page

how to delay a few seconds to jump to another page after express routes to a new page ()

scenario: the wrong user information is entered in the user login interface, and the route to / login, prompts the user information error (expected to be displayed on the page, non-pop-up), N seconds later jump back to the user login interface.

related codes

var pool = require("../pool.js");
var router = express.Router();"/login", function(req,res){//
    var sql = "SELECT * FROM xz_user WHERE uname=? AND upwd=?";//sql,
    pool.query(sql, [req.body.uname, req.body.upwd], function(err, result){
        if (err)
            throw err;
        if (result.length == 0)
            }, 3000);

expected results: 1. User entered username and password error = > 2. Route to / login = > 3. Displays "user does not exist, please log in again" = > 4. Delay N seconds = > 5. Jump back to the login interface
actual result: step 3 cannot be implemented. The code after
res.send (); is not executed, so how to prompt the user on the routed page that the user does not exist, and then delay the jump back to the login interface?


put the logic of latency on the front end.
