Does Mini Program support native javascript? What did you say?

1, the three major components of JavaScript-ECMAScript, DOM (document object model, corresponding to document object), and BOM (browser object model, corresponding to window object).
2. Mini Program supports ECMAScript, but does not support document,window objects.
so does Mini Program support ECMAScript, but not javascript? How do you understand it?


javascript is an implementation of ecmascript

javascript includes ECMAScript,

so does Mini Program support ECMAScript, but not javascript?

that definitely supports ECMAScript, and javascript, or some of the contents of javascript, but it can't be said that it doesn't support js


1, the core of ECMAScript:JavaScript, describes the basic syntax of the language (var, for, if, array, etc.) and data types (numbers, strings, Boolean, functions, objects (obj, [], {}, null), undefined), ECMAScript is a set of standards that define what a language (such as JS) looks like.

2, document object model (DOM): DOM (document object model) is the application program interface (API) of HTML and XML. DOM will plan the entire page into a document at a node level. Each part of a HTML or XML page is a derivative of a node.

3. The browser object model (BOM) accesses and manipulates the browser window. For example, pop up a new browser window, move, change and close the browser window, provide detailed web browser information, (navigator object), detailed page information, (location object), detailed user screen resolution information, (screen object), support for cookies, and so on. As part of JavaScript, BOM has no support for related standards, and each browser has its own implementation!

then Mini Program does not support the dom node operation of javascript, but most of the syntax and other things are supported, so it can only be said that the local content of javascript is not supported


ECMScript = Animal
javascript = Dog jsciprt = cat both belong to animals
Mini Program = tramp browser = Gao Fu Shuai node = Xi Jinping dogs and cats are meaningless without their owners

when dogs follow Gao Fu Shuai Wang Sicong, there are iphone players and full-time nannies. Because its owner can only eat these things
when a dog follows a homeless man, Su Qier, he can only eat shit, because Su Qier doesn't have a babysitter
