About velocity garbled

took over an old project. Velocity, was used in the project, and then there was a garbled problem in some places, and they didn"t understand the front end.


this is the confirmation pop-up window that pops up by clicking the delete button on the page (there should be a cancel button on the left and a confirmation button on the right). You can see that the text on the button is garbled.

related template code is:

    function doSth(id) {
        doConfirm("?", function () {
            var text = $(btn).html();

that is, which confirmation pop-up window should be a function that comes with velocity? But it doesn"t seem to work.

another problem is that when an empty input is submitted in an input input box with v = "required" set on the page, the prompt message that pops up is also garbled information (for example, the password bar, the input is empty, and the prompt is "password?").

I think the cause of the two problems is the same, both of which are garbled in the prompt messages automatically generated by this framework. In addition, other Chinese display is normal, including the data passed in from the back end, as well as those Chinese characters in the template file.

checked some solutions, most of which are configured with velocity encoding:


however, there is no soft use.
ask for help from the enthusiastic boss!
