*, *: before, *: after {} css3 what is the meaning of * here?

*, *:before, *:after {
  box-sizing: inherit;

what does here and do?


asterisk is not css3. The asterisk is a selector, which represents the meaning of all elements. The function here is to make the box model of all elements inherit the parent class. For more information, see * selector

wildcard, indicating all elements

all elements and all elements inherit the box-sizing > attribute of the parent element before and after the content
refer to query css3 box-sizing attribute pseudo-class : before : after * is all elements

* in css, it means to match all the elements that are usually used to force the reset of the inner and outer margins


CSS selector wildcard, which indicates that all elements are selected.
but this is a selector that affects performance and time consumption, and is generally not recommended in development.
