Why doesn't IF logic work? please take a look at this JS code for me.

after doing it all day, I really don"t know what the problem is. This is a psychological test. Although the answer options range from agreeing to disagreeing, the score is different. One is 1-5 and the other is 5-1, but this function can not be realized. It is very strange that there is no problem in judging the logic, and there is no problem in executing the statement. I have tried N times but can not directly execute the statements behind ELSE, resulting in the key code that all the answer options score is the same. I have already framed it out, and now I agree very much to disagree with (1-5) points, and some of them cannot be realized if they need 5-1 points. Please help me to see where the problem comes from when I first encountered such an evil problem

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what result do you expect? What is the error message actually seen?


the key problem lies in this sentence.


is really a great god. Thank you very much. I'm also worried that the code is complicated and not described clearly. I didn't expect you to find out the logic problem directly. Thanks again

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