Can Mini Program render the requested data in an array?

because of the style, I put the requested data under the array corresponding to the array, but when the page is rendered, I can"t find any reason.
the array I created
newlist: [[], []],
add data after the request [cur] .push (e)
does not come out when rendering the page

< swiper-item wx:for= "{{newlist}}" wx:key= "* this" wx:for-index= "index" >

    <view class="group-cell" wx:for="{{newlist[index]}}" wx:for-item="cell" wx:for-index="cellindex">

< / view >
< / swiper-item >
the array I tested
newlists: [[], [{news_id: 694361, category_id: 90, user_id: 3565692, promulgator_id: 5180890, news_type: 1}, {news_id: 694363, category_id: 90, user_id: 1, promulgator_id: 5181278, news_type: 1}, {news_id: 694348, category_id: 90, user_id: 1, promulgator_id: 5180889, news_type: 1}]

  , [{ news_id: 694337, category_id: 90, user_id: 1, promulgator_id: 5181278, news_type: 1 }, { news_id: 694325, category_id: 90, user_id: 1, promulgator_id: 5180888, news_type: 2 }, { news_id: 694328, category_id: 90, user_id: 1, promulgator_id: 3607, news_type: 1,}],[],[]],

is renderable


above is the array I created and added. Below is the data format that I tested is all the same. The data format above can"t come out and the bottom can"t find out for a long time. I haven"t found the reason for it for a long time.


the view update will not be triggered when Mini Program gives the array push data. You need the push data and then set the data to trigger the view update:

var newlist =;

look at the data binding section of the response of the following link
