when spring boot uses thymeleaf, does the introduced bootstrap quote one copy of each template, or how to deal with it?
when spring boot uses thymeleaf, does the introduced bootstrap quote one copy of each template, or how to deal with it?
make a public file _ include.html
that says
<div th:fragment="header">
attract people on the page
<th:block th:include="_include :: header"></th:block>
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in my local environment, the protocol is that the http,thymeleaf template can normally send requests to the backend, but when using https in the production environment, it will throw the following exception with the following error. Excuse me, what is t...
in the Html page, using el expressions, there is no problem binding backstage values, but how to use background methods to deal with values? <th:block th:each="post : ${users.list}"> <tr th:cid="${post.uid}"> &l...
after passing an object to html using Thymeleaf,crntroller, how do js click actions modify the value of the object passed in? Or how to pay this object to the js object? For example, how to write the onclick of the following code? <ul class="na...
created a spring boot project with spring initializr in idea. Css is referenced in the html written with thymeleaf, but it is impossible to quote it alive or dead. It has been looked up on the Internet for a long time, but it is of no use. all kinds ...