two tables, one is category, and the other is product, defined as follows:
type Product struct {
ProductId uint32 `gorm:"primary_key;type:int(11) unsigned auto_increment;"`
Category Category `gorm:"ForeignKey:CateIDRef;"` //category
CateIDRef uint16 `gorm:"type:mediumint(11) unsigned not null;"`
//CateTitle string `gorm:"type:varchar(30);not null;"`
//Title string `gorm:"type:varchar(30) not null;"`
Summary string `gorm:"type:varchar(255) not null;"`
Num uint32 `gorm:"type:int unsigned not null; default:0;"`
Price float64 `gorm:"type:decimal(10,2) unsigned not null;"`
Pics string `gorm:"type:varchar(500); default: "";"`
CreateTime time.Time `gorm:"type:timestamp not null;default:current_timestamp;"`
ModifyTime time.Time `gorm:"type:timestamp on update current_timestamp;omitempty;default:current_timestamp;"`
type Category struct {
CateID uint16 `gorm:"primary_key;type:mediumint(11) not null unsigned auto_increment;"`
ParentID uint16 `gorm:"type:mediumint(11) unsigned;not null;"`
Title string `gorm:"type:varchar(30);not null;unique"`
CreateTime time.Time `gorm:"type:timestamp;not null;default:current_timestamp;"`
ModifyTime time.Time `gorm:"type:timestamp;not null on update current_timestamp;default:current_timestamp;"`
Level uint16 `gorm:"-"`
but the creation of the foreign key is not successful. I don"t know the specific reason.