MybatisPlus Custom Global Operation exists always returns null

< H1 > MybatisPlus Custom Global Action exists always returns null < / H1 > < H2 > scene < / H2 >

customizes a global operation for mybatis-plus , and then returns null all the time.

when I was customizing the sql injector class, I suddenly found that existsById () had been selling short pointers all the time, so I looked at the results and found that I always returned null .



< H2 > solve < / H2 >

well, developers say they want to define the return value when using addSelectMappedStatement () . They have been looking at the table data all the time. They really haven't noticed that they still need to define the return value type

. In fact, there is only one change


although it is only a small mistake, let's record it here. After all, stepping on the pit once is enough.
