The swiper component in Mini Program, and the video component in it, exits the full screen immediately when it is full screen.

  <!--  -->
    <swiper-item wx:for="{{ sku.all_url }}" wx:key="{{ key }}">
      <video class="sku-img" wx:if="{{ item.urlType=="video" }}" src="{{ item.url }}"></video>
      <image class="sku-img" wx:else mode="aspectFill" src="{{ item.url }}" />

if the video link is the first and the picture link is the last in the all_url array, the situation is normal
but if the video link is not the first and there is a picture link in front, you will exit the full screen status immediately after clicking on the full screen of the video


has anyone encountered this bug, and how to solve it?

I have also encountered this problem recently. Wechat-set-General-enable horizontal screen mode. Try this, mine is good
