Wechat SDK 1.4 reported errors by sharing friends or moments.

updateAppMessageShareData and updateTimelineShareData error err:function not exist,

< script src= " http://res.wx.qq.com/open/js/.; > < / script >
src= "http://res.wx.qq.com/open/js/jweixin-1.4.0.js"
introduced 1.4 SDK

import wx from "wx"
let data = {

    debug: true, // ,apialertpclogpc
    appId: res.appId, // 
    timestamp: res.timestamp, // 
    nonceStr: res.nonceStr, // 
    signature: res.signature, // 
    jsApiList: ["getLocalImgData", "downloadImage", "chooseImage", "previewImage", "uploadImage", "updateAppMessageShareData", "updateTimelineShareData"] // 

wx.config (data)

Brother help to see what"s wrong
Wechat client is also 6.6.7 is up-to-date
what the official document says please migrate to use the client version 6.7.2 and JSSDK 1.4.0 or above as soon as possible


your Wechat is not up-to-date. The latest version is 6.7.2. At present, it is still compatible with the lower version, so use the following APIs for compatibility in the lower version.


the latest version of Wechat client is 6.7.2

Android, but not for ios. So I went back.

have you solved it?
the same Android doesn't work, IOS can.
vconsole printing is a shared success

positive solution on the second floor

official sharing

did this a few days ago, which is also not good for Android. Ios can do it directly. The last lower version that is directly used is

2018-1114 afternoon. It is verified at this time that everything shared by IOS devices is normal, that shared by Android is not normal, and that Android and ios devices accept normal!

I would like to ask you to pop up and display updateTimelineShareData:OK,. Why didn't you open the upper right corner at three o'clock? how can you open it?
