like Table
typeid article id
userid user id
status like status 1: liked 0: not liked
I want to know that the id of an article is the total number of likes of 1br 2 code 3 group by typeid 4. I don"t know how to use tp5 to write
Native sql= "select typeid,count (*) from like where typeid in (1 Magazine 3 Magazine 4) and user_id = 14 and status
= 1 group by typeid";
tp5 only knows how to write
LikeModel::where ("typeid","in",$ids)-> where ([" user_id"= > 14 minute statuses = > 1)-> group ("typeid")-> select ();
count (*) is not used
I want to implement
typeid count (*)
3 2
4 1