With the plug-in of wxParse, how does Mini Program cycle through the list?

at present, I have such a list. Because Mini Program has to parse HTML in order to display content normally, he uses the plug-in of wxParse. The place where I draw the red box is also from the editor in the background. Now the cycle is coming out. But somehow he only showed the last piece of data.

this is the description of the parsed HTML loop

for (let i = 0; i < news.length; iPP) {
  WxParse.wxParse("replyTemArray", "html", news[i].abstract, that);

this is a loop of the data list

<view class="list" wx:for="{{news}}">
    <view class="box">
        <navigator class="title">{{item.title}}</navigator>
        <import src="../../wxParse/wxParse.wxml"/> 
        <view class="ms">
            <block wx:for="{{replyTemArray}}" wx:key="">
                <template is="wxParse" data="{{wxParseData:item}}"/>
        <view class="bottom">
            <view class="data"><view class="iconfont icon-riqi"></view>2018-01-01</view>
            <view class="tag"><view class="iconfont icon-biaoqian"></view>JS</view>
            <navigator class="read">+</navigator>
            <view class="clear"></view>

because Mini Program can"t concatenate HTML, as we usually write, so I don"t know how to cycle this list. No, no, no.
I guess it"s just the wrong cycle. However, there was no deep contact with Mini Program and no good solution was found. no, no, no. If you have trouble to know, tell me how to deal with it, thank you ~


there is no good solution at present, so we can only have an editor in the background to write a description ~

A solution to this problem is provided on the official website
wxParse multiple data recycling

* WxParse.wxParseTemArray(temArrayName,bindNameReg,total,that)
* 1.temArrayName: 
* 3.bindNameReg reply1reply2...bindNameReg = 'reply'
* 3.totalreply
var that = this;
WxParse.wxParseTemArray("replyTemArray",'reply', replyArr.length, that)

you can use the following solutions

var replyArr = [];

    for (let i = 0; i < replyArr.length; iPP) {
      WxParse.wxParse('reply' + i, 'html', replyArr[i], that);
      if (i === replyArr.length - 1) {
        WxParse.wxParseTemArray("replyTemArray",'reply', replyArr.length, that)

   <block wx:for="{{replyTemArray}}" wx:key="">
        {{index}}:<template is="wxParse" data="{{wxParseData:item}}"/>

for more information, please see
wxParse multiple data Recycling method
