A pop-up window cannot pop up after clicking on Wechat to share. The code goes like this
let url = qs.stringify({
url: window.location.href.split("-sharp")[0]
axios.post(serverIp + "/dianzanbao/wechat/getConfig.do", url).then(res => {
if (res.data.result_code === "0") {
debug: true,
appId: res.data.result_info.appid,
timestamp: res.data.result_info.timestamp,
nonceStr: res.data.result_info.noncestr,
signature: res.data.result_info.signature,
jsApiList: ["onMenuShareTimeline", "onMenuShareAppMessage"]
initialize wx.config
developer tools can also pop up with successful configuration
I don"t know if it has to be packaged into app to trigger the sharing pop-up window and trigger Wechat to call the friend list to solve