Using the infinite-scroll instruction of ionic, it appears on the ios browser that the angular array variable has been assigned, but click on the view but it becomes blank.

recently, I have been working on the page on the mobile phone, using the sliding instruction of ionic to realize the sliding paging, and the page variables are bound by angular. There is no problem with Android, the normal loading shows that the pull-up can also load more. But not on ios, either it goes blank, or it shows up and goes blank as soon as it is clicked.

some of the things available on the Internet that set the overflow-scroll property of ion-content to false, $ionicConfigProvider.jsScrolling to false, and so on, didn"t work.

related codes

 <ion-content id="allorder" style="margin-top:170px;" overflow-scroll="false"> 
                <div ng-repeat="order in unfinishOrderList4 track by $index">
                <ion-infinite-scroll ng-if="hasmore4 " on-infinite="loadMore4()" distance="1%">

                <div ng-if="loading4" style="text-align:center;color:-sharpccc;margin:10px 10px;">

has anyone ever encountered a similar problem and what is the solution? Debugging on Wechat developer tools does not report any errors. The simulator is a hammer.
