How to change the playback time in a video.js player from a countdown to a normal player?


figure even with video.js instantiated out of the player, but the playback time is in the form of countdown, want to change it into the general player"s current time / video total length format, but Baidu and access to official documents did not get any useful information, friends who know can help me, thank you very much!

my code:

  video.js official website  


< style type= "text/css" >

.video-js .vjs-time-control{display:block;}
.video-js .vjs-remaining-time{display: none;}

< / style >

this is a perfect solution, climbing over the wall to search

I don't know if you use the source code for video.js. I use the 6.2.5 source code and compress it myself when I launch. If it is source code, on line 12927:
this.on (player, ['timeupdate',' durationchange'], _ this.throttledUpdateContent) remove the preceding "timeupdate", and the preceding "-" is on line 12971: this.textNode = document_1.createTextNode ('-'+ (this.formattedTime_ | | '0this.on')) and the preceding "-"
