Typescript type error, request support

error message

Argument of type "typeof BottomBar" is not assignable to parameter of type 
"ComponentClass<{ posts: any; key: any; message: any; isLogin: any; user: any; } 
& { 
praiseAction(type: any): (dispatch: any) => Promise<any>; 
favaAction(type: any): (dispatch: any) => Promise<any>; 
addToPraisePanel(key: any, data: any): void; 
removeFromPraisePanel(key: any, uid: any): void; }, any>".

Types of parameters "props" and "props" are incompatible.
Type "{ posts: any; key: any; message: any; isLogin: any; user: any; } 
& { praiseAction(type: any): (dispatch: any) => Promise<any>; 
favaAction(type: any): (dispatch: any) => Promise<any>; 
addToPraisePanel(key: any, data: any): void; 
removeFromPraisePanel(key: any, uid: any): void; }" is not assignable to type "BottomBarProps | undefined".

Type "{ posts: any; key: any; message: any; isLogin: any; user: any; } 
& { praiseAction(type: any): (dispatch: any) => Promise<any>; 
favaAction(type: any): (dispatch: any) => Promise<any>; 
addToPraisePanel(key: any, data: any): void; 
removeFromPraisePanel(key: any, uid: any): void; }" is not assignable to type "BottomBarProps".

Type "{ posts: any; key: any; message: any; isLogin: any; user: any; } 
& { praiseAction(type: any): (dispatch: any) => Promise<any>; 
favaAction(type: any): (dispatch: any) => Promise<any>; 
addToPraisePanel(key: any, data: any): void; 
removeFromPraisePanel(key: any, uid: any): void; }" is missing the following properties from type "pageOwnProps": favaNum, isFavorite, isLike, likeNum

this is the type written by yourself

type pageOwnProps = {
  favaNum: number
  isFavorite: boolean
  isLike: boolean
  likeNum: number
type reduxProps = {
  posts: any[] 
  key: string 
  message: string
  isLogin: number
  user: any
type reduxAction = {
  praiseAction(type: any): Promise<any>
  favaAction(type: any): Promise<any>
  addToPraisePanel(key: any, data: any): void
  removeFromPraisePanel(key: any, uid: any): void
type BottomBarProps = pageOwnProps & reduxProps & reduxAction

redux connect function

  ({ posts, user }) => ({
    posts: posts.postlists,
    key: posts.currentKey,
    message: posts.message,
    isLogin: user.status,
    user: user.userinfo
  dispatch => ({
    praiseAction(type: any) {
      let data = this.key.split("/")
      return type
        ? dispatch(praiseAdd(data[0], data[1]))
        : dispatch(praiseCancel(data[0], data[1]))
    favaAction(type: any) {
      let data = this.key.split("/")
      return type
        ? dispatch(favaAdd(data[0], data[1]))
        : dispatch(favaCancel(data[0], data[1]))
    addToPraisePanel(key: any, data: any) {
      dispatch(addToPraisePanel(key, data))
    removeFromPraisePanel(key: any, uid: any) {
      dispatch(removeFromPraisePanel(key, uid))

Class function

class BottomBar extends Component<BottomBarProps, {}> {
  render() {
    let { favaNum, isFavorite, isLike, likeNum } = this.props
    return (...)

I have broken the line by reporting an error message. May I ask where the problem is
