How do I know if two computers are on the same subnet?

the entire Internet is made up of countless subnets, and when you enter an address from a browser and go back to access resources on another computer, the first step is DNS parsing to get the ip address of another computer.

at this point, the first thing you will do is to determine whether the visited computer is in the same subnet as the visiting computer, so how to determine whether the two computers are in the same subnet?

my understanding: those within the same address range belong to the same subnet and can only be accessed with the help of routing devices.


address field consists of a base address + mask, for example, and belong to the same subnet strong 24 .
however, not when they need a route to arrive, such as your computer and my computer .

ipconfig or IP set up your ip address and subnet mask. You can know what the range of subnets is by the subnet mask.
for example,, then the subnet range is x.x.x.x/24.
then compare the two IP addresses.
in the case of x.x.x.x/24, the first three segments are the same, so they are in the same subnet and do not need to cross the gateway.
