Now learn php, to learn the laravel framework, which version is better to learn?

full-time front-end, if you want to learn the back-end PHP, you don"t know which framework to learn from. If you want to learn laravel, you don"t know which version is better, or you can have a more suitable framework. Please give constructive guidance if you understand. Thank you very much


it is recommended to learn Laravel version 5.5 because Laravel 5.5 is LTS.

if it is a full-time front end, then the weak point is to write API. The recommended teaching documents and videos are as follows:

  1. Laravel tutorial-introduction to Web Development (Laravel 5.5)
  2. Laravel tutorial-practical Architecture API Server
  3. Laravel 5 Development API tutorial

entry 1 is used to learn and start the Laravel framework, then entry 2 is used to learn to use Laravel to write API, item 3 is when you don't understand item 2, skip item 2, learn item 3, and then go back to item 2. It should be noted that item 3 is based on Laravel 5.1. it may be different from Laravel 5.5. please pay more attention to it when you study.

come on!

finally, I'm almost done with native php mysql,. I'm thinking about the framework.

I am also just learning laravel. I learned laravel5.5 directly before I read laravel5.2

the latest version of laravel5.6, has a Chinese manual.


it is recommended that Laravel5.5,5.5 is LTS

Codeigniter ThinkPHP Laravel
personally, I think Codeigniter is more convenient to get started

choose the LTS version to start learning
