Sphinx ERROR: malformed or unknown option near'--merge-klists'.

Sphinx2.x is upgraded to Sphinx3, and Sphinx3.1.1 is installed on Win7 for testing. The removed data in the delta incremental index cannot be removed from the full index main. It is completely possible in Sphinx2.x.

Total 2 tables documents (id...) Sphinx (tb,id,type)
perform steps:

indexer.exe -c d:/sphinx3.conf --all -sharp 
searchd.exe -c d:/sphinx3.conf & -sharp 
-sharp documentsid=12id=1sphinx 2("doc",1,0),("doc",12,1) 
indexer.exe -c d:/sphinx3.conf delta --rotate

indexer.exe -c d:/sphinx3.conf --merge main delta --merge-klists --rotate -sharp 

the configuration file sphinx3.conf is as follows

source src1
    type            = mysql

    sql_host        = localhost
    sql_user        = root
    sql_pass        = 000000
    sql_db            = test
    sql_port        = 3306

    sql_query        = \
        SELECT id, group_id, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date_added) AS date_added, title, content \
        FROM documents

    sql_attr_uint        = group_id
    sql_attr_timestamp    = date_added

source src1delta : src1 {
    sql_query = \
        SELECT id, group_id, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date_added) AS date_added, title, content \
        FROM documents WHERE id in (select id FROM sphinx where tb="doc" AND type=1 )

    sql_query_killlist = SELECT id FROM sphinx WHERE tb="doc" AND type=0
    sql_query_post = DELETE FROM sphinx WHERE tb="doc"

index main
    source    = src1
    path    = d:/sphinx3/data/main

index delta {
    source = src1delta
    path = d:/sphinx3/data/delta
    kbatch = main
    kbatch_source = id

index rt
    type            = rt
    rt_mem_limit    = 128M

    path            = d:/sphinx3/data/rt

    rt_field        = title
    rt_field        = content
    rt_attr_uint    = gid

    mem_limit        = 128M

    listen            = 9312
    listen            = 9306:mysql41
    log            = d:/sphinx3/log/searchd.log
    query_log        = d:/sphinx3/log/query.log
    read_timeout        = 5
    max_children        = 30
    pid_file        = d:/sphinx3/log/searchd.pid
    seamless_rotate        = 1
    preopen_indexes        = 1
    unlink_old        = 1
    workers            = threads
    binlog_path        = d:/sphinx3/data