React tsx

const AppContainer: React.SFC<IAppContainerProps & IAppContainerState & IAppContainerDispatch> = props => (
    <IntlProvider locale={props.locale} defaultLocale="en-US" messages={props.localeMessages}>

what does this syntax mean and where does props pass in


this is a functional component that TypeScript writes, SFC (Stateless Functional Components) for stateless.
your writing is one of two ways React defines components.

< IAppContainerProps & IAppContainerState & IAppContainerDispatch >
indicates type checking of typeScript. Used to enforce type constraints.
other places should declare code similar to the following:

interface IAppContainerProps {
    name: string
interface IAppContainerState {
    name: string
interface IAppContainerDispatch {
    name: string

props is the

brought in when referencing AppContainer this component.

identifies AppContainer as React.SFC < IAppContainerProps & IAppContainerState & IAppContainerDispatch >
this is a high-order component, and props is passed through function arguments

props is generally provided to the parent component.
is the one that is passed in when the AppContainer component is called.
