permission list filterChainDefinitionMap
is as follows:
error message:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Wildcard string cannot be null or empty. Make sure permission strings are properly formatted.
part of shiro source code:
protected void setParts(String wildcardString, boolean caseSensitive) {
if (wildcardString != null && wildcardString.trim().length() != 0) {
wildcardString = wildcardString.trim();
List<String> parts = CollectionUtils.asList(wildcardString.split(":")); = new ArrayList();
Iterator i$ = parts.iterator();
while(i$.hasNext()) {
String part = (String)i$.next();
Set<String> subparts = CollectionUtils.asSet(part.split(","));
if (!caseSensitive) {
subparts = this.lowercase(subparts);
if (subparts.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wildcard string cannot contain parts with only dividers. Make sure permission strings are properly formatted.");
if ( {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wildcard string cannot contain only dividers. Make sure permission strings are properly formatted.");
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wildcard string cannot be null or empty. Make sure permission strings are properly formatted."); //