Is idea's support for spring boot+kotlin not good?

is there something wrong with idea"s support for spring boot kotlin?

use idea to develop spring boot applications. I used to use java,. Now I want to try kotlin (I learned kotlin a long time ago).
the front end uses the thymeleaf template engine.

the Controller, that creates a java file returns the template in the RequestMapping method, and idea automatically indexes the template file with the following icon



in this way, you can"t use the ctrl+ left button to quickly enter this file, and there will be a bunch of red lines (lll "") in the html file. Isn"t that cool?

has anyone ever encountered this problem with kotlin development? it feels as if it is a problem with idea.

kotlin is jetbrains"s own son.


idea's support for java is impeccable, but kotlin is now mainly used to write Android, and it doesn't seem to care too much about writing web other people's jetbrains, only that it is 100% compatible with java.
