ubuntu uses pm2 to automate the deployment of nodejs services: pm2 commond not found?
echsystem.json file:
"apps": [
"name": "commic",
"script": "app.js",
"env": {
"env_production": {
"NODE_ENV": "production"
"deploy": {
"production": {
"user": "xsy",
"host": [""],
"port": "19999",
"ref": "origin/master",
"repo": "git@gitee.com:xiasiyong/cmmic.git",
"path": "/home/xsy/www/comic/production",
"ssh_options": "StrictHostKeyChecking=no",
"post-deploy": "pm2 startOrRestart ecosystem.json --env production",
"env": {
"NODE_ENV": "production"
execute on your own computer: pm2 deploy ecosystem.json production setup, succeeded
--> Deploying to production environment
--> on host
hook pre-setup
running setup
cloning git@gitee.com:xiasiyong/cmmic.git
full fetch
Cloning into "/home/xsy/www/comic/production/source"...
hook post-setup
setup complete
--> Success
when publishing: pm2 deploy ecosystem.json production, reported an error
xiasiyongdeMacBook-Pro:cmmic xiasiyong$ pm2 deploy ecosystem.json production
--> Deploying to production environment
--> on host
deploying origin/master
executing pre-deploy-local
hook pre-deploy
fetching updates
full fetch
Fetching origin
resetting HEAD to origin/master
HEAD is now at de8333a 11
executing post-deploy `export NODE_ENV=production && pm2 startOrRestart ecosystem.json --env production`
bash: pm2: command not found
post-deploy hook failed
Deploy failed
my server is Aliyun, ubuntu 14.04. Is it okay to run PM2-v on the server side?
xsy@iZwz9isotv99f3eth4ow92Z:~$ pm2 -v
executing commands under the folder directory corresponding to the server is OK again,
my younger brother is ashamed and has no result for a long time. I would like to ask all the great gods, what is wrong with me?