How does brew install mongo extensions?

brew search mongo
= = > Searching local taps.
mongodb@3.4 mongo-cxx-driver mongodb mongodb@3.2 percona-server-mongodb
mongo-c-driver mongo-orchestration mongodb@3.0 mongoose
= > Searching taps on GitHub.
= > Searching blacklisted, Migrated and deleted formulae.

there is no corresponding php extension. Does anyone know why?
brew version:
Homebrew 1.5.14
Homebrew/homebrew-core (git revision 1f9ba; last commit 2018-04-07)


brew tap kyslik/php
brew install phpXX-mongodb
I am the php7.1 version, so the command is brew install php71-mongodb

Yes, this is my result

  ~ brew search mongo
==> Searching local taps...
homebrew/php/php55-mongo    homebrew/php/php56-mongodb   mongodb@3.0
mongodb                     homebrew/php/php70-mongodb   mongodb@3.2
homebrew/php/php53-mongo     homebrew/php/php71-mongodb   mongodb@3.4
homebrew/php/php54-mongo     homebrew/php/php72-mongodb   mongoose
homebrew/php/php54-mongodb   mongo-c-driver               percona-server-mongodb
homebrew/php/php55-mongodb   mongo-cxx-driver
homebrew/php/php56-mongo     mongo-orchestration
==> Searching taps on GitHub...
==> Searching blacklisted, migrated and deleted formulae...

Please add a new repository brew tap homebrew/homebrew-core , homebrew/php officially just migrated to homebrew/homebrew-core these days.

the official does not support this kind of third-party library after it is installed, you can only compile it manually

for the reason that the mongo extension
homebrew version in PHP environment is upgraded, the original source cannot be found. Follow the instructions in the mongo extension section in the article to install
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using pecl