How to assign store data of redux of object type to state of react

I just started to learn js,react, and redux, is doing exercises by myself, but I want to transfer the data of store to the state, of react, but it is not successful. Please give me some guidance.

what you want to do:
transfer the data obtained by API (such as the content of posts on the forum) into redux for storage, and then send it to the react component to display on UI
here"s what I did:

1. Some data have been obtained through API

{id: "111", title: "title1", body: "body1"}
{id: "222", title: "title2", body: "body2"}

2. Dispatch initializes action "iniPosts ()" for data in componentDidMount (), passing data into reducer for processing


export function iniPosts(posts) {
    return {
        type: INI_POSTS,


function ourPosts(state = {}, action) {
    switch (action.type) {
        case INI_POSTS:
            const { posts } = action
            let temp = [...action.posts]
            return => ({
                [] : item

            return state

my data is now adjusted like this:

[111:{id: "111", title: "title1", body: "body1"}
222:{id: "222", title: "title2", body: "body2"}]

3. Now I want to pass this data as is to the state of react
I want to pass the data in the method of connect, but the result of assigning a value to posts in mapStateToProps () is always null


function mapStateToProps({ ourPosts}) {

  console.log(ourPosts) // reducer

  const temp = Object.keys(ourPosts).map(key => Object.assign({}, ourPosts[key])) => ({
    []: item
  })) // 
  console.log(temp) // reducer

  return {
    posts: => ({
      []: item
    // ...

function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) {
  return {
    iniPosts: (data) => dispatch(iniPosts(data)), // dispatchAPP

export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(App);

4. Check the result and find that it is null:

class App extends Component {

  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      posts: [],
  render() {
    const { posts } = this.state
    console.log(posts) // action []

himself has tried to write it as follows:

function mapStateToProps({ ourPosts}) {

  let a =  ourPosts;
  console.log(a) // reducer
  return {
    posts: a // render[] Object.assign()

ask for advice on how to assign values in mapStateToProps ()


after using mapStateToProps, you map state to props. It's wrong to use const {posts} = this.state. It should be this.props.
to pass the value to the state, in [APP.js], when this.state = {posts: []} sets the state, the data taken from the props is directly assigned to the state.
