as shown in the two pictures above, how did Mini Program canvas undo the first drawing, and then draw it again (the sixth pattern of the second picture becomes normal, and the fourth one becomes selected)
as shown in the two pictures above, how did Mini Program canvas undo the first drawing, and then draw it again (the sixth pattern of the second picture becomes normal, and the fourth one becomes selected)
gives you an idea: the undo function can be implemented using stack data structures. What kind of data is stored in this data structure? you should consider it according to your program.
just started the development of Mini Program to see Mini Program login process, why do you need Mini Program to obtain code, through wx.login and then give code to the server, and let the server request Wechat server through code to get openid and other ...
such as question: Mini Program custom title bar height calculation, how to calculate the height so that Android and ios title text are aligned with the capsule? Business scenario: ui students think that the original is ugly, so we need to write our ow...