The JDK, android SDK, and cordova requirements required by Cordova are all configured. There is still a problem.

problems with cordova requirements

javac -version

android -h

Great Gods, who will help me


The message returned by the

terminal is that neither jdk nor the sdk platform of the android specified target is installed. Whether your jdk environment is only added to path and does not create a new system variable.

< H2 > Java < / H2 >
  1. add environment variables: on my computer-> Properties-> Advanced-> Environment variables
  2. create a new system variable, variable name: JAVA_HOME variable value: C:Program FilesJavajdk1.7.0 (JDK installation directory)
  3. add a semicolon after the original system variable Path, and then add ;% JAVA_HOME%\ bin;%JAVA_HOME%\ lib\ dt.jar;%JAVA_HOME%\ jre\ bin; do not delete the original. See clearly, the semicolon between them is the semicolon in English.
< H2 > Android SDK < / H2 >

1. Create a new system variable. Variable name: ANDROID_SDK_HOME variable value: local Android SDK path

2. Set the tools and platform-tools paths of sdk to path, and add ;% ANDROID_HOME%\ tools;%ANDROID_HOME%\ platform-tools;

to path.

3. Download the SDK platform, of the specified target. According to the above prompt, you want to download 23. Update Platforms-tools and Build-tools to the latest. Android Studio can find the panel through Tools-> SDK Manager. Eclipse finds the panel through Window-> Preferences-> Android-> Browse.


