SpringCloud video tutorial Finchley.RELEASE version


Chapter 1 course introduction
1-1 SpringCloud Guide (09:19)
1-2 get Source instructions (06:43)
1-3 question suggestions (02:49)
1-4 order item Demo (06:10)
Chapter 2 introduction to Micro Services
2-1 Micro Services and other Common Architectures (11:45)
2-2 starts with a minimalist microservice architecture (09:08)
3 Chapter Service Registration and Discovery
3-1 Spring Cloud Eureka (01:33)
3-2 Eureka Server (17:17)
use of 3-3 Eureka Client (16:07)
3-4 Eureka highly available (10:32)
3-5 Eureka Summary. Mp4 (02:31)
3-6 distributed status and principles of service registration (11:53)
Chapter 4 Service split
4-1 starting point of microservice split (04:48)
4-2 Conway"s Law and Micro Services (04:37)
4-3 order Service split Analysis (15:41)
4-4 Commodity Service API and SQL introduction (04:05)
4-5 Commodity Service Code (top)
4-6 Commodity Service Code (middle) (12:07)
4-7 Commodity Service Code (bottom) (16:16)
4-8 order Service API and SQL introduction (06:52)
4-9 order Service dao (18:40)
4-10 order Service service (15:29)
4-11 order Service controller (19:08)
4-12 look at "split data" (05:06)
Chapter 5 Application Communications
5-1 HTTP vs RPC (02:15)
three uses of 5-2 RestTemplate (14:43)
5-3 load balancer: Ribbon (03:13)
5-4 tracking Source Code Custom load balancing policy (12:42)
5-5 Feign use (06:07)
5-6 get product list (Feign) (12:56)
5-7 buckle inventory (Feign) (19:03)
5-8 integration interface to open the order placing process (Feign) (12:40)
5-9 project transformed into multi-module (14:21)
5-10 Synchronize or async (04:24)
5-11 RabbitMQ security Install (02:40)
5-12microservices, Docker and DevOps (03:32)
Chapter 6 Unified configuration Center
6-1 Unified configuration Center Overview (04:42)
6-2 Config Server (16:54)
6-3 Config Client (21:16)
6-4 Spring Cloud Bus automatic update configuration theory (03:10)
6-5 Spring Cloud Bus implementation. MP4 (22:04)
6-6 integrated WebHooks for dynamic updates (03:41)
6-7 Spring Cloud Bus-related pits and pits Revelation (06:24)
Chapter 7 messaging and Asynchronous
7-1 Asynchronous and messaging (04:15)
7-2 basic use of RabbitMQ (top) (09:45)
7-3 basic use of RabbitMQ (bottom) (08:43)
7-4 Spring Cloud Stream use (top) (13:16)
7-5 Spring Cloud Stream use (bottom) (09:50)
7-6 use of MQ in goods and order services (top) ) (13:03)
7-7 goods and order services using MQ (middle) (11:31)
7-8 goods and order services using MQ (bottom) (09:32)
7-9 Asynchronous buckle inventory Analysis (top) (07:45)
7-10 Asynchronous buckle inventory Analysis (bottom)
Chapter 8 Service Gateway
8-1 Service Gateway and Zuul (10:39)
8-2 Zuul: routing forwarding, Exclude and customize (15:58)
8-3 Zuul:Cookie and dynamic routing (06:48)
8-4 Zuul: routing and High availability Summary (02:55)
Chapter 9 Zuul combines
9-1 Zuul:Pre and Post filter (08:11)
9-2 Zuul: current limit (07:41)
9-3 Zuul Authentication and add user Services (20:25)
9-4 simulated buyer and seller login function Now (top) (13:23)
9-5 simulated buyer and seller login function (part two) (10:12)
9-6 completion order interface development (10:33)
9-7 completion permission check (top) (10:58)
9-8 completion permission check (bottom) (14:00)
9-9 Zuul: Cross-domain (07:10)
Chapter 10 Service Fault tolerance
10-1 Service Fault tolerance and Hystrix (04) : 02)
10-2 trigger degradation (10:42)
10-3 timeout setting (07:19)
10-4 discussion Circuit Breaker Mode (13:19)
10-5 usage configuration item (05:49)
10-6 feign-hystrix usage (09:13)
10-7 hystrix-dashboard (09:34)
10-8 Zuul: timeout configuration (04:37)
Chapter 11 Service tracking
11-1 Service tracking (1) (17:04)
11-2 Service tracking (06:49)
Chapter 12 Container deployment
12-1 run the first docker container (07:17)
12-2 rancher installation (20:52)
12-3 deployment eureka and config (14:37)
12-4 build eureka highly available services (11:28)
12-5 build product services (14:56)
12-6 build order services (04:15)
12-7 Build api-gateway (07:33)
