What is the name of the mysql association table? Ask for advice, do you feel that the naming of the database is too messy?

now there is an A1 _ cat table and an A1 table. There is a third table that associates A1 with A1. Using a1_cat_a1, naming your own project is confusing. I don"t know how you name it in the project.
ask for advice. I want to change it to relevance_a1_cat_a1 (the meaning of relevance is relevant). In this way, I feel that there are too many underscores, so I will get dizzy after I have too many databases.
unless a1_cat is changed to a1cat, it will become relevance_a1cat_a1 anyway concise.

such as a material table- Article

the table associated with it is the material category table- Article_Type

there is also a material library grouping table- Article_Group

associated tables are generally separated by _ underscores. If there are many associated tables, such as Article_Group_Type_Module , I will name them Article_Module . It looks concise and comfortable by omitting the middle table directly.

has already had a similar problem:
Mysql intermediate relational table

users / / user table
plugins / / plug-in
user_plugin_relationships / / user plug-in relationship table

you name it a1_cat_relationships directly, and then write what the table is used in the primary key into the remarks.
the database is for developers to see. If you unify a set of internal rules, you will OK


such as goods, or goods_category, you can goods_goods_category, directly. You just need to name it and see what it means. Add a standard name to it, and you can also synthesize revolve_goods_category


programmers' variable naming is already a matter of knowledge, and I can't understand what it means from the beginning of the A1 table.
English is good to use words directly, bad to go to Youdao, variable as long as possible, to express the meaning clearly, but the table name should not be too long, you can use more abbreviations.
but this A1 is too simple.

to share a repo: carlos-wong/cerebro-codelf
introduction is: save 3s for your life by naming variables (Save 3 seconds of your life when naming things.)


needs to establish an associated table, so generally speaking, A1 and a1_cat are many-to-many relationships. According to your naming, a1_cat and A1 have an one-to-one or one-to-many relationship to ensure good naming habits.
for example, tables an and b need to establish an associated table, which can be followed by a _ map (any word that represents the relationship, such as the relevance), you mentioned, such as a_b_map. If there are too many underscores, you can selectively remove some characters. For example, the associated table of A1 and a1_cat is a1_cat_map instead of a1_a1_cat_map.