What template engine recommendation is there at the front end?

now I basically rely on gulp for development. I have used gulp-fileinclude before in terms of functionality, but the syntax is not very friendly, and there are no good formatting and highlighting plug-ins. Now I have switched to EJS and found that his parameters can only be passed through rendering, but not during include, which is too inconvenient for me, so is there any front-end template engine that can be used with Gulp?

in fact, all I need is a basic parameter character replacement loop if judgment, and finally I can generate a normal HTML through gulp



download address of each template engine

baiduTemplate: http://baidufe.github.io/Baid.

artTemplate: https://github.com/aui/artTem.

juicer: http://juicer.name/ or https : / / github.com/PaulGuo/Juicer/zipball/master-sharpdownload

doT:doT source: https://github.com/olado/doT Docs: http://olado.github.com/doT/

tmpl: https://github.com/BorisMoore.

handlebars: http://handlebarsjs.com/ or https : / / raw.github.com/wycats/handlebars.js/1.0.0-rc.4/dist/handlebars.js

easyTemplate: https://github.com/qitupstudi.

underscoretemplate: http://documentcloud.github.i.

mustache: https://github.com/janl/musta.

kissytemplate: https://github.com/ktmud/kissy

BaiduTemplate, artTemplate

Handlebars React
