Start-all mode to start the spark cluster, there is no Master process?

  1. started spark,hdfs,yarn successfully at first, but after a long time, it was found that the spark task could not be submitted normally, and there was always an error similar to the following. "INFO Client: Retrying connect to server: Already tried 8032. Already tried 0 time (s); maxRetries=45"
  2. then I want to stop spark and so on, but find that I can"t stop.
  3. re-establish the SPARK_PID_DIR directory according to the method on the Internet, and set up the PID_DIR, discovery in the spark-env, hadoop-env and yarn-env files or not.
  4. then directly kills all the processes that occur after jps.
  5. start hdfs and yarn successfully again, but after starting spark, and files appear in the corresponding SPARK_PID_DIR path, but there is no Master process after jps.
  6. run the spark task and still see "INFO Client: Retrying connect to server: Client: Retrying connect to server: 8032. Already tried 0 time (s); maxRetries=45"
  7. I don"t know what to do. Beginner brother, ask for advice

spark,hdfs,yarn was started successfully at first

is lz a Spark cluster or a Spark on yarn??
