How does the Controller of SpringMVC correspond to the parameters and the data from the front end one by one?


Spring receives the parameters from the front end, how does the front end parameters correspond to the parameters in the method?
such as

then spring can correspond to hello , world , end in the hello method.
world this parameter is understandable because the parameter name is written in the annotation @ RequestParam .
but hello `, end how to find the corresponding parameters? After java is compiled, his parameter name is gone. How does spring know that the first parameter is hello and the third parameter is end ?

what I mean by the question is, how does spring implement the correspondence of parameters? How do you know the parameter names of the parameter "hello,end"" in the hello () method? there will be no parameter names after java compilation


No one understands the question I asked. Maybe my skill is not very good, but I have found the answer.
what I want to ask is how does Spring call this method through reflection if the method parameter in Controller does not have @ RequestParam annotation, because the reflection of java cannot get the parameter name, which means that the parameter passed by the front end cannot be found to the correct parameter in the method.
now I have the answer:
classes in Spring DefaultParameterNameDiscoverer (< version > 2.0.2.RELEASE < / version >) :


@ RequestParam

in RequestParamMethodArgumentResolver and RequestParamMapMethodArgumentResolver
